last week was clubs day at UBC so i had to help out JA for 3 days! so hectic but we managed to sign up around 160 members. hopefully the rest would sign up at the ice breaker!! its on October 8!! COME COME COME!
anyways, Jono is leaving tmr to Japan for a year so we had a farewell dinner for him yesterday at fogg n suds! man i really love love that place! the server was so nice and the food was so good as well! honey lager was on sale for 15.99 a pitcher and they got like 6-7 rounds of that. i just had my usual paralyzer in a fishbowl since it was fishbowl fridays :D
i still cant believe jono is leaving tmr. when he first told me he's going to japan to study, that was like february this year. and now tmr (which is like 7 months since then) hes actually leaving. le sigh. :( hes such a good friend, i will for sure miss him a lot!
we finally took puri yesterday! LOL

jono drew raining blood on us... hah ==
anyways. i went to refrain's last live today too... it was so sad but i hope they will get back together when jono's back!
other than that, its been awhile since i've eaten with Debu :( LE SIGH. i wanna high tea!! and i want bor lor yao!!! >3<
but shiet i have work tmr lol. and ill have my first in class essay on monday. FML...
i want a huge pumpkin pie with lots of whip cream right now. or a huge bucket of ice cream. or let me swim in a pool of coke. lol...
anyways. peace out man gotta sleep