much things have happened in the past 2 weeks again lol
so busy so busy =o=
anyways... after 2 more papers, 1 midterm and one more oral test then i would have a mini break. maybe? ==
JA's clubbing event is next FRIDAY!! Come please :D if you're interested... at all. msg me for tickets T_T
okay. at this point, i'm just gonna put up random pics from the last week
November 6- Kelly and Emily's belated dinner XD
man... haven't seen my high school friends for quite awhile. even though it was only the 5 of us and the rest are in hell studying for midterms, it was still good ;D
we were sitting in the patio at the keg and i swear it was one of the windiest nights in Vancouver. it was raining too == lol
nonetheless it was fun to see them again
November 7- Gen's farewell party :(
sigh.. it was pretty sad man. at least i was a bit down during the whole thing :S
people come and go but she's going to Toronto for 4 effing years =o=
we took massive puri again lol. very stuffy == after that we headed to Daimasu for dinner. im glad they took our crowd nicely
our crowd of like 17 people standing outside the restaurant xD
good luck on your studies at Sheridan, Gen!
November 9-10 Recording with x:Enders
man... i never knew recording would be so hard == and we went overtime by soo much. sigh... so troublesome =o=
well, lol
it was fun i guess? let's just wait till we hear the finished product
November 11- Date with Amelia XD
soooo, we wanted to watch Paranormal Activity for the longest time so we went to the movie theatre at Metro in the evening~
the movie was pretty good and i ask you all who have not seen it yet to watch it =]
very... suspenseful LOL
after that we went next door at Ajiwawa for Jap food XD
we ordered so much LOL but we managed to finish most of it , yoshh!
we also took puri~ so nice so nice=]

November 12 IHOP dinner with coworkers~
too bad Elle couldn't make it :(
we talked quite a bit that night. it was a nice chat though :D
i find it funny how i'm 19, Yuka is 2x, and Hiroko is 3x. LOL
as for now. ahhh dude i changed my bgm to G Dragon because i totally adore him now xD
have you guys seen his A Boy MV yet? oh em gee....
i think i need to link it up here
DAMN. so cute <3<3
everything just feels so .. femme.. maybe it's the fact that he's singing high pitched :P still so cute!