so... the past few weeks have been very busy for me. not only work, but i also had to plan the events for UBCJA's japan exchange program. on top of that, im looking at houses with my family because we're planning to move to richmond.
my last day before i leave for japan at blenz is this sat. which is, RIGHT before my event of Granville Island with the jap students as well. it'll be a rushed day for me =o=
as for the past few days, i've been working and also picking up the jap students from the airports. also joining them for the tour of UBC and also hanging with them and bringing them around Richmond (The area they're staying for the 2 weeks.) we also had a downtown tour with them yesterday. busy busy == i had to take a day off work lol...
however, it's fun though. they're really nice and polite ppl! i am going to meet them again when i'm in japan xD one of the guys are super cute too LMAO
we went to the epic candy store in DT yesterday and guess what i found?