since when have i not said a day was not intense == everyday is the same for me (laugh)
today... i had work at 8 .... super early again. except it was a different feeling because its my last day before my vacation!!! so i was like counting off the hours as "1 hr left at blenz, 45 mins left at blenz ...etc" even mabel said she'll miss me XD i'll miss Blenz alot... since because i almost work there like 24/7, for sure on monday morning i'll be asking myself "why arent i opening the store ?" or "i should be working right now..." hhaha
anyways, after work, i went to look at houses again with my family. then i went to granville island to meet up with the jpnese exchange students! it was kind of sad in a way, because it is my last day with them so i tried to make it as much fun as possible.
however at granville island... there isnt much to do and they're getting kind of bored and wasting our energy walking so i figured we should just go to downtown earlier and they can spend some time shopping as well.
the girls went crazy at the mall. the guys, however, were so bored and were sitting on the chair waiting for the meet up time =o= i feel so bad for them lmao
anyways, we were hungry afterwards and headed for dinner at Cafe Crepes. we had to wait 30 mins in line though == but its okay because time past quickly~
i love them to death XDDD cute asses lol
afterwards, it was already 8:45pm but stores close at 9 ... so we went to starbucks for drinks wiating for the time to come. (need to bring them to clubbing at 10:30)
we chat alot more and exchanged lots of numbers and emails with everyone! fun fun. we took pics with each other. well more like me and them XD and we promised to see each other when i go to japan. it was hard to leave them.. i gave them each a hug at the sky train station.
but i guess im used to being apart with ppl i care... sigh